# Sample code to submit a batch order to DCL Web Services

# By Walter P. (DCL) - 12/27/2011

# Python version: 2.7


# Note:

# Download suds from http://sourceforge.net/projects/python-suds/ (version 0.3.9 at this time)

# There are some other updated versions around (at least 0.4.1); the code works with both.



from sys import exit

from suds.client import Client


""" Enable logging to see SOAP envelop

import logging








# Create a SOAP client

client = Client('https://www.efactory.dclcorp.com/WebServices/DCLWebService.asmx?WSDL')


# Set your credentials

sessionID = client.service.Login(strUser="username", strPwd="password")


# Check if credentials are correct (if sessionID is empty, wrong credentials)

if sessionID == None:

    print "Wrong credentials"

    exit(0) # If sessionID is empty, wrong credentials. Feel free to change exit code


# Create a BatchType01Object instance

myBatchOrder = client.factory.create('BatchType01Object')

# Set location ("FR" or "LA")



# Create a OrderType01Object instance (an order)

order1 = client.factory.create('OrderType01Object')


# Order initialization (mandatory to define all "number" fields)

order1.OrderStatus = "NormalOrder" # Or HoldOrder or RushOrder

order1.OrderSubTotal = 0

order1.ShippingAndHandling = 0

order1.SalesTax = 0

order1.InternationalHandling = 0

order1.TotalDue = 0

order1.AmountPaid = 0

order1.NetDueCurrency = 0

order1.BalanceDueUS = 0

order1.InternationalDeclaredValue = 0

order1.Insurance = 0

order1.PackingListType = 0


# Set some values

order1.OrderNumber = "00123"

order1.AccountNumber = "10501"

order1.FreightAccount = "00500"

order1.ShippingCarrier = "UPS"

order1.ShippingService = "2ND DAY AIR"


# Create and set a ShipTo object

shipTo = client.factory.create('AddressType01Object')

shipTo.Company = "DCL"

shipTo.Attention = "Mr. Smith"

shipTo.Address1 = "123 Main Street"

shipTo.City = "Fremont"

shipTo.StateProvince = "CA"

shipTo.PostalCode = "94538"

shipTo.Country = "US"

order1.ShipTo = shipTo


# Create a DetailType01Object object (order item)

item1 = client.factory.create('DetailType01Object')

item1.ItemNumber = "12345"

item1.Quantity = 6

item1.Price = 5.00


# Create another order item

item2 = client.factory.create('DetailType01Object')

item2.ItemNumber = "67890"

item2.Quantity = 5

item2.Price = 0


# Attach these two items to the order

order1.DetailArray.DetailType01Object = [item1, item2]


# Create a OrderType01Object instance (an order)

order2 = client.factory.create('OrderType01Object')


# Order initialization (mandatory to define all "number" fields)

order2.OrderStatus = "NormalOrder" # Or HoldOrder or RushOrder

order2.OrderSubTotal = 0

order2.ShippingAndHandling = 0

order2.SalesTax = 0

order2.InternationalHandling = 0

order2.TotalDue = 0

order2.AmountPaid = 0

order2.NetDueCurrency = 0

order2.BalanceDueUS = 0

order2.InternationalDeclaredValue = 0

order2.Insurance = 0

order2.PackingListType = 0


# Set some values

order2.OrderNumber = "00121"

order2.AccountNumber = "10501"

order2.FreightAccount = "00500"

order2.ShippingCarrier = "UPS"

order2.ShippingService = "2ND DAY AIR"


# Create and set a ShipTo object

shipTo = client.factory.create('AddressType01Object')

shipTo.Company = "DCL"

shipTo.Attention = "Mr. Albert"

shipTo.Address1 = "124 Main Street"

shipTo.City = "Fremont"

shipTo.StateProvince = "CA"

shipTo.PostalCode = "94538"

shipTo.Country = "US"

order2.ShipTo = shipTo


# Create a DetailType01Object object (order item)

item1 = client.factory.create('DetailType01Object')

item1.ItemNumber = "12345"

item1.Quantity = 1

item1.Price = 5.00


# Attach these two items to the order

order2.DetailArray.DetailType01Object = [item1]


# Create a OrderType01Object instance (an order)

order3 = client.factory.create('OrderType01Object')


# Order initialization (mandatory to define all "number" fields)

order3.OrderStatus = "NormalOrder" # Or HoldOrder or RushOrder

order3.OrderSubTotal = 0

order3.ShippingAndHandling = 0

order3.SalesTax = 0

order3.InternationalHandling = 0

order3.TotalDue = 0

order3.AmountPaid = 0

order3.NetDueCurrency = 0

order3.BalanceDueUS = 0

order3.InternationalDeclaredValue = 0

order3.Insurance = 0

order3.PackingListType = 0


# Set some values

order3.OrderNumber = "00124"

order3.AccountNumber = "10501"

order3.FreightAccount = "00500"

order3.ShippingCarrier = "UPS"

order3.ShippingService = "2ND DAY AIR"


# Create and set a ShipTo object

shipTo = client.factory.create('AddressType01Object')

shipTo.Company = "DCL"

shipTo.Attention = "Mr. Manfred"

shipTo.Address1 = "124 Main Street"

shipTo.City = "Fremont"

shipTo.StateProvince = "CA"

shipTo.PostalCode = "94538"

shipTo.Country = "US"

order3.ShipTo = shipTo


# Create a DetailType01Object object (order item)

item1 = client.factory.create('DetailType01Object')

item1.ItemNumber = "12345"

item1.Quantity = 2

item1.Price = 5.00


# Attach these two items to the order

order3.DetailArray.DetailType01Object = [item1]


# Add this order to the batch

myBatchOrder.OrderArray.OrderType01Object = [order1, order2, order3]


# To submit multiple orders, use:

#   myBatchOrder.Batch.OrderArray.OrderType01Object = [order1, order2, order3]


# Send the request to the server

response = client.service.SubmitBatchOrder2(SessionID=sessionID, Batch=myBatchOrder)


# Read general/common response

if response.ResultStatus.Error > 0:

    print response.ResultStatus.ErrorStr

    exit(0) # Check specific error


# Read order specific error (from an ordered list)

for orderStatus in response.OrderStatusArray.ResultStatusObject:

       if orderStatus.Error > 0:

           print orderStatus.ErrorStr

# Success
